The importance of work/life balance

Kirsty Garwood is our Talent Acquisition Coordinator from the Head Office Talent Acquisition team. Here Kirsty talks about the importance of work/life balance as well as her own experiences. To connect to Kirsty on LinkedIn, you can do that here.

You’re deep in work, and before you know it, days blend into weeks, and weeks blur into months. Without finding that sweet spot between work and life you can easily get burnt out. In a previous job, I had a hard time balancing work and life, which really affected my mental health and relationships. With constant demands and a heavy workload, it left me feeling stressed and burnt out all the time, making it tough to enjoy anything outside of work. My mental health took a hit, and I was always tired and anxious. Looking back, I see how important it is to have a good work/life balance for my well-being.

Why it Matters

Helps your mental health

Having a good work/life balance has lots of positive effects on mental health. When you have enough time for both work and personal life, you feel less stressed and more relaxed. This balance helps you stay emotionally steady and have a brighter outlook. It also means you can enjoy hobbies, exercise, and spend time with family and friends, which makes life more enjoyable and fulfilling. When you have a good work/life balance, you’re more productive and creative in your job.

Helps your physical health

Improving your work-life balance can give you more time and energy for your hobbies, interests, and spending quality time with loved ones. Plus, a better work-life balance can improve your physical health by giving you more time to exercise and rest. All these benefits can lead to a happier, healthier life overall. So, it’s time to enjoy your weekend and try to keep thinking about the working week to minimum, I know a lot of us can be guilty of this.

Helps you in the workplace

When you have enough time to rest and recharge outside of work, you come back feeling refreshed and more balanced, which makes it easier to focus and be productive. This balance can boost your creativity and problem-solving skills, as a well-rested mind is more capable of thinking clearly and coming up with innovative ideas. Additionally, maintaining a healthy balance reduces the likelihood of burnout.

Let’s look at Kirsty’s top tips to improve your work/life balance

Prioritise: Not all tasks are created equal. Identify what’s urgent, what’s important, and what can be deprioritised and picked up a later date.

Treat Yourself: Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s survival. Schedule regular “you” time, whether it’s a bubble bath, a Netflix marathon, or going for a walk.

Practice Saying No: Remember that “No” is a complete sentence. Avoid overcommitting yourself to please everyone. Your time and energy are valuable resources.

Assess your work situation: Work for a company that understands the importnace of work/life balance and well-being. At Jet2, we provide colleagues access to things such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) offering a range of services and in-house Mental Health First Aiders. We also offer our Flexible Working Policy which helps employees manage their work-life balance more effectivley, reducing stress and promoting mental health. Check out what our colleagues at Jet2 do to help their mental health.

How do I find my work/life balance?

When I’m not at work, you’ll find me out in nature, hitting the trails for a hike or more recently out for a run. Being active helps me boost my endorphins and sets me up for the week ahead. But it’s not all about being physical, I also enjoy spending time with friends, painting, although not good at it (We’ll call it abstract) and escaping to my seaside hometown of Scarborough to have some family time.

Work/life balance is a necessity. It’s about prioritising your well-being, relationships, and appreciating the moments that make life worth living. So, work hard whilst at work but don’t forget to live well and take time to recharge along the way.