Mental Health Matters

Jen Clegg is the Talent Acquisition Partner for some of our Commercial teams in Head Office and has 8 years of recruitment experience covering IT, Corporate & Customer Service.

Jen has recently become a MHFAider through Jet2 & MHFA England & shares some of her top tips on how to prioritise your Mental Health in the workplace.

Over the last few years, more and more people are talking about mental health & recognising the importance of keeping these conversations going.

But there is still so much to be done as:

· 1 in 4 people experience poor mental health each year

· 72 million working days are lost each year due to poor mental health

· UK business’ lose 45 billion pounds each year due to poor mental health At and Jet2holidays we have over 200+ colleagues, myself included, who serve as a Mental Health First Aider & I think it’s a testament to our commitment of creating a workplace that understands the importance of mental well-being and supporting each other! Here are some useful tips on how to look after & prioritise your Mental Health at work.


Movement for Mental Health was this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme & personally, my mental health thrives when I get outdoors. Don’t underestimate the power of a quick walk & some fresh air come rain or shine (mostly rain if you live in Leeds let’s face it) Perhaps you have time for a jog or gym session during your lunch break, or some stretching/yoga, particularly if you’re working from home. Use your time wisely & get moving.

Take Regular Breaks

So simple but often overlooked. How many of us are guilty of skipping lunch or not moving from your desk for what turns out to be hours on end? Regular breaks throughout the workday are essential for maintaining mental clarity and reducing stress. Take a look at time management tools such as The Pomodoro Technique which involves working for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break. Using that break to stretch, take a walk or simply nip outside can have a huge boost on your Mental Health & keeps you focussed & stress levels down – it’s a win win.


Your Manager is there to support you. Perhaps you are struggling with a task & need some guidance – speak with your manager about how you’re feeling & if you need support. Being fully supported at work will give your Mental Health a boost. The same goes for your colleagues, it could be your peers in your team or somebody from another department. You spend a lot of hours with your colleagues, so get to know them, communicate with them & find common interests. They can also offer practical help such as sharing workload.

Speak out

Don’t be afraid to seek support from mental health professionals if you’re struggling. Jet2 as well as many other companies offer support in the form of Mental Health First Aiders who are there to listen, non-judgementally, support & guide you to any resources that can help.

Employee Assistance Programme:

If you’re a colleague of Jet2, you can make use of our EAP, on there is a fab tool ‘myStrength’ which you can personalise/set personal goals as well as track your mood. Not a colleague of Jet2’s? Many other companies offer Employee Assistance Programmes so check yours out.

These are just a few of many ways in which you can look after your Mental Health in the workplace. But of course, your place of work isn’t the only environment where you can take care of your Mental Health. The NHS website has some great tools & tips as well as services you can access here.